The Sustainable Development Goals, SDGs, are an audacious vision for the future, and governments and organizations around the globe are mobilizing to make them work. While the United Nations is doing excellent work in this area, we asked: is legislation enough to change the behavior of billions of people?
To the right, please see an excerpt from the first-ever emotional intelligence conference at the United Nations Headquarters. You’ll hear experts on EQ making the link to the SDGs — including Patty Freedman, the coordinator of the POP-UP Festival which works in partnership with UNICEF World Children’s Day to bring EQ skills to children everywhere. POP-UP is the world’s largest “social emotional learning” program, introducing emotional intelligence to millions of children in almost every one of the world’s countries and territories.
Emotional Intelligence Certification
我们的EQ教练,培训师和顾问社区使用六秒钟的方法和工具来建立一百万人的EQ技能。现金网赌钱网站六秒钟内的关键能力之一是“追求贵族目标”。现金网赌钱网站在改变生活的中EQ认证计划, we teach people to use emotions as a guide to help them serve and protect what matters most. That’s at the heart of building partnership for the goals.