by现金网赌钱网站|On August 8, 2019|6 seconds,Business intelligence
Research: to build the secret of the "best team" in Google a two-year large-scale study found that the best and most innovative team have one thing in common: "psychological security"."Psychological security" to promote innovation in the Google a two-year large-scale studies found that the best and most innovative team have one thing in common: "psychological security".The team members think: the opinion is accepted, and when making mistakes will not be punished.Google chief innovation preachers - Frederick's fee specially (Frederik Pferdt) said: "innovation team is the most distinctive members feel 'psychological security"....
byHuang, Chamie|On July 17, 2019|6 seconds,Business intelligence
Advanced "Brain imaging Brain imaging technology has brought a new dawn for the innovation of neuroscience - this is the unique ability, be able to see the possibility of the existence of" no ", and turn it into a reality.The researchers looked at people in the innovation of the brain, such as: jazz musicians improvise melodies, poets write poems, visual artists design covers a sketch...Hope that through this observation, to map out the innovation thinking areas of the brain, the circuit or path.Let's take a look at the implications of the study and the real world.1 draw creative thinking in the process of the brain...
byMichael Miller,|On May 7, 2019|6 seconds,Life emotional intelligence
I wrote a article named and redefine: use two strategies of emotional intelligence to harness anxiety, it mentioned that if the "anxiety" redefined as "exciting", can help us to control the "anxiety".Warren Phillips (Warren Phillips) is a clinical psychologist, also the Transform Workplace Solutions.He after reading this article raises a question: if the anxiety is redefined as "exciting" in some scenarios is truly effective (such as: the interview), so whether in other scenarios, this method could be invalid or even wrong?Such as:...
byMichael Miller,|On May 21, 2019|6 seconds,Business intelligence
In describing a good leader, what is the most often mentioned three key words?Your colleagues and employees will use these words describe you?In an interview, we let people to describe the behavior of some leaders, and these actions can let he thinks "the leader can inspire others and transcend self, and practical action than they imagined more".The following behavior is the most often mentioned in the interview: deep listening to give time encouraged me to challenge for me to give me feedback, criticism and praise are willing to risk on me a chance to express their passion for their vision in the above mentioned "action list", if you let your colleague to describe you, what do you think that they will think you do which one or two?In these actions, which is one or two more you can do?...
byJoshua Freedman,|On May 17, 2019|6 seconds,Life emotional intelligence
A few years ago, six seconds, the founder of Karen McCain (Karen McCown), would like to share this article to me.Since then, it will be my strong talk criterion, to guide me how to make good use of words.The past few years, we often discuss with children this "three gatekeeper";They start from the age of 4 and 6, which continues to this day.I strongly recommend that you also try this way!- Josh Freedman, 3 doors author: ai in espa warren language is material...
byPatty Freedman,|On April 16, 2019|6 seconds,Life emotional intelligence
Share: a psychology professor at Stanford kelly you have made a study of pressure.There're a total of 30000 people to participate in research studies, one of the group said "feel a lot of pressure and a negative view of pressure".The death of eight years, the researchers through public records data and survey participants died, was surprised to find: a negative view of the pressure of this group of participants, 43% increased risk of premature death!This means that we "attitude" to determine the pressure of pressure "killer".If you think of "pressure" harmful, stress can have the ability to "killer" of risk is greatly increased.So, when you change to the 'pressure' way of thinking, you can change the body's response to stress.What does stress mean?...
byYuyang Zou|On May 28, 2019|6 seconds,Life emotional intelligence
Most people could be taught at an early age to hide or suppress our own emotions, such as: "the boys to be strong, don't cry!""Girls like a little princess feminine."...But in fact this way of guide the mood is not professional.How to treat mood can make us feel smarter more freedom?Based on the research of neuroscience and millions of people around the world for 20 years the eq practices for many years, we know that: smarter about emotions is not to ignore it, but to "self, self choice, self beyond"....
byJason Yuan|On December 13, 2018|6 seconds,Parenting eq
Josue is six seconds to Richmond, Virginia, chief executive officer of emotional intelligence, at the same time, he is a father.This paper extracts from his book "the core of leadership", are some of his father at the end of the book to you.Of course, I hope this article for the reader is not a father also has a certain value....
byPatty Freedman,|On April 3, 2019|6 seconds,Life emotional intelligence
Anxiety, as the shadow behind us, from time to time appear in the eyes, and affects millions of people in a negative way.A lot of people, also naturally think that anxiety is negative.But in fact, there is no good or bad mood, every emotion has the value of the TA and strength, and anxiety.This article, 6 seconds will share with you: how to use eq, step 3 to harness anxiety: the first step to detect your anxiety, speak and feel their anxiety, recognize and gives objective evaluation, is a great help to reduce anxiety.All emotions are related to the physical reactions, anxiety occurs, tend to be more easy to feel the heart uncomfortable, belly or neck pain ".In addition, the attention of anxiety can consume a large amount of the brain and body.At this point, some higher order thinking, empathy and analysis ability...
byHuang, Chamie|On January 24, 2019|6 seconds,Business intelligence
Is one of the core of the management and leadership challenges motivate (Inspire) and participation (Engage) - to motivate employees to achieve the best performance.Organization for employees' pay, if the employee cannot achieve performance expectations, may lose their jobs.For most roles in most organizations, well need deeper engagement - not just for the sake of salary.This extra pay is called "the spontaneous efforts discretionary effort", because it depends on their employees, their extra pay, often because they are willing to pay for love.True leaders are able to inspire this kind of feeling.What drive outstanding performance?...