A History of Leadership in Social Emotional Learning
For a more in-depth情绪智力科学的历史,请参阅对丹尼尔·戈尔曼的采访。
2020现金网赌钱网站六秒钟创造了特殊POP-UP Festival content “GREEN13”解决可持续发展目标(SDG)13气候行动,以支持经历“气候悲伤”或“生态焦虑”的青年。现金网赌钱网站六秒钟在Virtual启动此程序Climate of Emotions conference。这些主题吸引了年轻的变革者,致力于解决气候危机。
2019Six Seconds helps organize the first-ever联合国总部的情商会议
2018Six Seconds becomes partners with UNICEF World Children’s Day forPOP-UP Festival成为世界上最大的社交情感学习项目
2013Six Seconds hosts the NexusEQ Conference at Harvard University
2009after a pilot process, Six Seconds’ founders created突触作为实验室学校,展示了完整的效果y制定了与强大的建构主义教育计划集成的情商计划
2008Six Seconds’ methodology featured in O Magazine, “The New Improved Self-Esteem”
2007after years of additional research, the 3rd Edition of Self-Science was published
2005theSix Seconds Emotional Intelligence Assessment(SEI)出版了
20044th NexusEQ Conference is at Sheraton Studio City, Orlando – site of theSheraton case study
2004“EQ for Families” curriculum published
2000我们举行了第一次关于情商国际会议,包括彼得·萨洛维(Peter Salovey),坎迪斯·珀特(Candace Pert),鲁文·巴伦(Reuven Baron),丹尼尔·戈尔曼(Daniel Goleman)和马丁·塞利格曼(Martin Seligman)
1999我们的第一个certification training在美国以外的地方,在加拉加斯,委内瑞拉 - 当时的伦敦,英国,然后是南非的约翰内斯堡。
1998we held our firstcertification trainingto teach people how to use the Six Seconds methodology
1997Karen McCown, Anabel Jensen, Joshua Freedman, & Marsha Rideout start Six Seconds to answer: “How do you actually use and develop EQ?”
1995情商,由丹尼尔·戈尔曼(Daniel Goleman)发表。它很快就成为国际畅销书。他写道自我科学,我们的开创性社交情感学习方法是教学方程式的两个模型之一:
“Self-Science is a pioneer, an early harbinger of an idea that is spreading to schools coast to coast…. A list of the contents of Self-Science is an almost point-for-point match with the ingredients of emotional intelligence — and with the core skills recommended as primary prevention for the range of pitfalls threatening children…. Were he alive today, Aristotle, so concerned with emotional skillfulness, might well approve.”
Goleman also calls the Self-Science process “a model for the teaching of emotional intelligence.”
1992Daniel Goleman came to see the Self-Science process. He was researching to create a book on emotional intelligence
1983阿纳贝尔·詹森(Anabel Jensen)成为Nueva学校的学校负责
1978年卡伦首次出版自我科学,the landmark SEL methodology, after 11 years of experimentation
1967年六秒钟的联合创始人卡伦·麦考恩(Karen McCow现金网赌钱网站n)成立了Nueva School,其象征性地融合了学术和情感发展。