Online, June 28-30, 8am San Francisco time each day – DAY 1: Students.. DAY 2: Faculty & Staff. DAY 3: Campus & Community.Register for Free(参加现场直播并接收录音的链接)。
<\/span><\/span>EMOTIONS<\/span><\/p>"}},"slug":"et_pb_text"}" data-et-multi-view-load-tablet-hidden="true" data-et-multi-view-load-phone-hidden="true"> 高等教育
Since our first conference in 2018, awareness has grown about emotional intelligence (EQ) in higher education. To support the higher education community in applying EQ to improve outcomes, the conference will explore three macro themes:
Wellbeing & Resilience
Equity & Belonging
Student Success
In the face of emotional challenges, we need more emotional intelligence. At EQ in C&U 2022, we’ll explore the latest science and practice of emotional intelligence for learning and working smarter This online conference includes keynote panels, experiential sessions, facilitated group experiences, and resource sharing – in a highly engaging online format. Participants will be educators, leaders/executives, students and scholars from around the globe in a wide range of colleges and universities (community, professional, research, etc).
Discover why & how social emotional learning works in colleges/universities.
Online, June 28-30, 8am San Francisco time each day – DAY 1: Students.. DAY 2: Faculty & Staff. DAY 3: Campus & Community.Register for Free(参加现场直播并接收录音的链接)。
EQ for C&U is hosted by Six Seconds, The Emotional Intelligence Network, in collaboration with


Anabel Jensen博士
近50年来,阿纳贝尔·詹森(Anabel Jensen)博士开创了情绪智力能力的指导。詹森博士是六秒钟的总裁,当丹尼尔·戈尔曼(Daniel Gol现金网赌钱网站eman)来并在那里写了有关模特情绪智力计划的著名的校长。在她的指导下,学校还赢得了两项联邦蓝丝带奖,以赢得卓越的教育。Jensen博士合着了四本关于教学EQ的书籍(包括自我科学,是首次出版的SEL课程之一),并获得了她的博士学位。来自加利福尼亚大学伯克利分校。

Deborah Donahue-Keegan编辑
Associate Director, GLADC, Tisch College, Tufts University
Deborah Donahue-Keegan博士,Ed.M.,M.S.W.,Ed.D。担任慷慨的听力与对话中心(GLADC)的副主任,并且是塔夫茨大学Tisch Civic Life学院的高级研究员。她监督该中心的社会情感学习与公民参与(SEL-CE)倡议。黛博拉还是塔夫茨教育部的讲师。她是大学范围内的桥梁差异工作队,塔夫茨JED校园委员会以及大学的正念和韧性合作的成员。黛博拉(Deborah)担任国家SEL倡导组织SEL4US的顾问。她共同创立了马萨诸塞州在教师教育(MA SEL-TED)中的马萨诸塞州联盟。她撰写了专注于社会情感学习,沉思实践和教育专业发展的文章和章节。黛博拉(Deborah)的研究和教学重点关注的是,变革性的社会情感学习可以用于归属,公平,种族扫盲/正义和在学校环境中包容性卓越的方式。

Lorea Martinez博士
关注Lorea的博客这里;她正在为老师撰写第二本书,心中的教学. Previously, she was a special education teacher and administrator. Martinez holds a PhD from the Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona.

丽莎·约翰逊(Liza Johnson)编辑
Director of Personal Empowerment and Assistant Director to the President for the University of Dubuque
Dr. Liza Johnson is the Director of Personal Empowerment, Assistant Director to the President for the University of Dubuque (UD), and an EQ Ambassador for Six Seconds. She is the author of a forthcoming SEL curriculum for higher education, a workbook to grow personal and professional success through EQ based on field-tested methods from the program at UD. This curriculum is systematically implemented campus-wide that includes a 3-credit undergraduate course that fulfills a general education requirement. Liza is also working closely with the Dubuque Community Schools, police, and city government on a community-wide implementation plan of emotional intelligence.

Cherilyn Leet, M.Ed.
Associate Director of Education, Six Seconds

约书亚·弗里德曼(Joshua Freedman)
What if EVERYONE could grow empathy so we connect more deeply…. Increase emotional literacy so we can share what’s really happening… Strengthen abilities to make choices on purpose to make tomorrow better? That’s what we do at Six Seconds!
The SEL in Higher Education virtual conference is produced by Six Seconds, The Emotional Intelligence Network.
Six Seconds is a global nonprofit working to support ALL people to grow and practice emotional intelligence.进行税收捐款以支持这项工作.
我们认为,如果十亿人正在练习情商(EQ),世界将是一个更好的地方。因此,我们研究并共享科学,全球,变革的工具和方法来支持该目标。学习更多关于Six Seconds’ vision或更深入探索EQ认证培训for coaching, facilitating, consulting or educating.